SHIROTA Gallery シロタ画廊

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Jimin LEE "Seconding The Motion"
2008年8月25日(月)-8月30日(土) A.M.11:00~P.M.7:00 最終日~P.M.5:00


Recent Prints 2006-07

Shadowy Locus

Photo etching, Aquatint, Hard and soft ground, Spit bite, Pigment on Kozo, Chine collé, 12x39.5", 2007

Off Time

Photo etching, Aquatint, Hard ground, Spit bite, Pigment on Kozo, Chine collé, 18x30", 2007

Depth of Shadow

Photo etching, Aquatint, Hard ground, Pigment on Kozo, Chine collé, 43x24", 2006

New Acquisition

Photo etching, Aquatint, Hard ground, Pigment on Kozo, Chine collé, 18x24", 2006

The Two Doors

Photo etching, Aquatint, Hard ground, Pigment on Kozo, Chine collé, 32x18", 2006


7color lithograph, 30 1/4×39 3/4", 2005

右側 : Rainy Arrival

Photo etching, Aquatint, Hard ground, Pigment on Kozo, Chine collé, 20×26", 2008

左側 : Tropical Heading
技 法 :Photo etching, Aquatint, Hard ground, Pigment on Kozo, Chine collé, 20×26", 2008

Photogravure Prints from Ediciones Benveniste. Madrid, Spain 2007

"Drive Away"
Photogravure, 9×6", 2007
"Guardian Angels"
Photogravure, 9×7", 2007
"You Drive"
Photogravure, 9×6", 2007
"I Drive"
Photogravure, 9×6.5", 2007
"Ocean Drive"
Photogravure, 9×6.5", 2007
"Drive Over"
Photogravure, 9×6", 2007

Jimin LEE : 韓国インチョン生まれ ‘90ソウル大学絵画専攻卒  ‘92ソウル大学大学院版画専攻修了 ’92-‘93日本政府給付留学(東京藝術大学) ‘97サンフランシスコ・アート・インスティチュート版画専攻MFA修了  現在カリフォルニア大学サンタクルーズ校プリントメディアクラス准教授

個展:’91”Deep-first”Gain Gallery Seoul / ‘99”Undercurrent and Object” QCC Art Gallery, The City University of New York, The Arts Club of Washington, Don Soker Contemporary Art, San Francisco / ’02-‘04”Transcendant Ordinaire” Anchor Graphics Chicago, The Art and Design Gallery, Southwest Missouri State University / ‘04”Personal Values” do ART Gallery, Window Gallery, Gallery Hyundai, Seoul / ‘05”Extra/Ordinary”シロタ画廊,東京 / ’06-‘07”The Invisible Body” Megalo Gallery Canberra, andrewShire Gallery Los Angeles, The Folio Gallery,Texas Tech University / ’08 シロタ画廊,東京、他、グループ展多数参加

関連情報 2005年12月


シロタ画廊HOME ●取扱作家 ●展覧会情報 ●版画集・カタログ 大型版画コーナー